Maintain Don’t Gain


5 holiday secrets for weight loss You’ll hear me say it a dozen times between now and New Years. Maintain, Don’t Gain. Some of these tips I’m sure you’ve heard before. My hope is that if I explain why they work, you may be more tempted to follow through. 1.) Drink LOTS of water. Water is extra healthy for a number of reasons. Drinking a lot of water helps the healing…

Finding a Voice


My first instinct about blogging is ASOLUTELY NOT. In my opinion the internet has enough blogs. But the other night I was re-watching The King’s Speech. A great movie. There’s a scene in the movie where Dr. Lionel is challenging Prince George right before the coronation and George yells, “Because I have a voice” in response to the question: why should I listen to you? We at Cardinal Chiropractic and Sports…