Top 3 Stress Management Techniques


Stress. What a dirty word. And we have got plenty of it swarming around us all right now. So how does one deal with it? Or even better, how can you thrive during stressful situations – not just survive. There is no magic bullet. No quick pill or oil. Getting rid of or managing your stress takes a little bit of work. But it can be fun! It takes a…

5 Elements of a CrossFit Warm-Up

Five Elements of a CrossFit Warm-Up

Today we’re going to cover a warmup routine for CrossFit. The good news is that if you’re going to a good gym and you’ve got good trainers, good coaches, your warmup is built into the programming already. Where I go, CrossFit584 in Burlington NC, the first 20 to 30 minutes is 100% committed to a good warmup so that your brain and your body is mentally and physically prepared for…

Ultimate 5-Minute Stretching Routine

exercises and stretches

A good stretching routine is vital to a healthy lifestyle and injury prevention. If you are sick of feeling tight and stiff, this info is for you! All you need is five minutes for this stretching routine, consisting of 5 different stretches. If you want the best results, employ this routine every single day. Each stretch you do for about a minute. Watch the video below to see this stretching…

Reset, Correct, Reload

FMS test kit used during the functional movement screen

When a patient enters our office, it is because they are in pain. Usually, that pain prevents you from doing something you love. If your back hurts, you can’t work in the garden or head out to play golf with your friends. Let’s first discuss where the pain comes from, and what we do about it at Cardinal Chiropractic and Sports Recovery. Pain (if it’s from the joints and muscles…

Eating Made Easy and Healthy

Meal Prep

We’ve had the honor of working with Natalie, founder of Nat Packs, for the last couple of months. Nat Packs is a local meal delivery service established in 2017. Natalie’s goal is to provide nutritious and delicious meals to busy individuals in the Burlington area! Natalie was kind enough to be our guest blogger for December!! Check it out… Athletes and active adults need nutritious food, and fueling the body…

Recommendations For Airplane Travel With Back Pain

Recommendations For Airplane Travel With Back Pain

Experts estimate that as much as 80% of the population will experience a back problem at some point in their life and one-half of all working Americans admit to having back pain symptoms each year. It is a growing issue in today’s society, and a main contributor is the increase in sedentary lifestyles. Back pain ranges from acute to chronic; acute being short term (less than 1 month), subacute lasting…

Understanding Pain

pain science

Why do we “pick the scab?” The following information is from a great book meant for patients to help resolve their own back problems. The book is by Stuart McGill Ph.D. and is called “Back Mechanic: The secrets to a healthy spine your doctor isn’t telling you.” I highly recommend the book if you have or are suffering from low back pain. The end goal is to remove the stressors…

The 3 Best Tools for Post-Workout Recovery

hypervolt burlington nc

The best recovery tools an athlete can have are a mini band, foam roller, and a lacrosse ball. These are very inexpensive items if you don’t already have them at your home.  You don’t have to buy an expensive tool like the Hypervolt we carry in the office. Our patients testify that these tools get them through to the next workout, time and time again. Using these tools will increase…