The Joint Dysfunction Old-school chiropractic philosophy was very simple. A joint dysfunction, also called a subluxation, is a BOOP (Bone Out Of Place). The general idea is that a vertebra or extremity bone rotates out of position and physically puts pressure on the nerve that runs right alongside of it. I don’t criticize that old school oversimplification because they didn’t have the complex testing and diagnostic equipment we have today.…
Let’s Talk Chiropractic
Pregnancy and Chiropractic
This topic, as many of you already know, is very close to my heart right now. My wife is pregnant. Very soon we get to find out the sex, and we can stop calling it “it”. It’ll start to feel so much more real when I can say he or she. I honestly don’t care if its a boy or a girl, as long as it has the right number of fingers,…
The Bees Knees
Patients with knee pain are one of the fastest growing demographics in our offices. I think it’s because we’ve started doing a much better job educating the public that we are much more than “back doctors”. I describe chiropractors as Musculoskeletal specialists; that means wherever you have muscles and joints, we can treat that area. Sounds like pretty much all over the whole body doesn’t it? The knees are just…
Fallen Arch. Fallen Body.
July’s topic of the month is Leg Pain. So let’s, for a moment, investigate what I believe to be the leading cause of musculoskeletal leg pain: a fallen arch. A fallen arch is shown on the left as a flat arch. With a normal arch, shown in the middle, there is about an inch of distance between the ground and the top of the arch on the inside of your…
All You Can Be
There is a reason why all professional sports teams (NFL, MLB, NBA, etc.) have chiropractic physicians on staff. Because chiropractors help each person be all they can be. Sounds like an ad for the army doesn’t it? To professional athletes, who are expected to perform at such high standards all the time, even the tiniest of ailments can throw off their game greatly. They are so highly tuned for what…
What’s the deal with my shoulder?
Shoulders are an intensely complicated joint. The shoulder complex is actually made up of 3 different bones forming 4 distinct joints. Over 15 muscles surround the shoulder. There’s even a bursa, a fluid filled sac, inside the main shoulder joint to aid in movement. They are also one of the most flexible joints. From a doctor’s perspective, that can be very bad. Flexibility = instability, and instability means its very…
Arthritis: The Ugly Enemy
It has many names: arthritis, degeneration, spurs, etc. But I think we can all agree on one name for it: the ugly enemy. We can all agree that it is bad, painful, and can haunt you for the rest of your life. And we all assume it’s just a disease for the elderly and maybe we’ll get it one day, but that day is far off. Wrong! Trust me when…
Stress: Good or Bad?
We’ve all been told stress is bad, right? Well, that’s not entirely accurate. Just like everything else in life, TOO MUCH stress is bad. So what is stress, what does it do to you, and why is too much of it bad? According to Merriam-Webster, stress is a “state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life, work, etc.” Keep reading the different definitions, and it…