The Anti-Inflammatory Diet

good diet

Hey guys. So in my last blog post I talked a bit about an Inflammatory diet that’s high in gluten or high in saturated fat. So now let’s talk about the alternative: the anti-inflammatory diet that helps you heal and feel better. The anti-inflammatory diet helps prevent chronic diseases. Obviously, you have to limit or eliminate the foods that cause inflammation, such as; barley, rye, oat, wheat, processed meats, butter,…

The Inflammatory Diet

bad food

I’m big into the “cause and effects” of musculoskeletal conditions like joint dysfunctions (i.e. subluxations), muscle disorders, and disc problems. But that seems a bit obvious. It’s what I do every day. But that means I really enjoy focusing on how it all works. Why are you in pain? Is there some reason why you are prone to certain pain patterns? And the answer is yes! Each person is unique,…

Chiropractic for a Pain Free Lifestyle

yoga in burlington nc

This may seem obvious, but pain is the #1 cause for ER and doctors’ office visits in the United States. Therefore pain is really the main reason why anyone goes to a healthcare practitioner. There are two big categories of pain: mechanical and visceral. Visceral means organ pain. Examples include anything from heartburn to a heart attack. Mechanical pain is pain relating to muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, and vertebral discs.…

Maintain Don’t Gain


5 holiday secrets for weight loss You’ll hear me say it a dozen times between now and New Years. Maintain, Don’t Gain. Some of these tips I’m sure you’ve heard before. My hope is that if I explain why they work, you may be more tempted to follow through. 1.) Drink LOTS of water. Water is extra healthy for a number of reasons. Drinking a lot of water helps the healing…

Finding a Voice


My first instinct about blogging is ASOLUTELY NOT. In my opinion the internet has enough blogs. But the other night I was re-watching The King’s Speech. A great movie. There’s a scene in the movie where Dr. Lionel is challenging Prince George right before the coronation and George yells, “Because I have a voice” in response to the question: why should I listen to you? We at Cardinal Chiropractic and Sports…