Top 3 Stress Management Techniques

Stress. What a dirty word. And we have got plenty of it swarming around us all right now. So how does one deal with it? Or even better, how can you thrive during stressful situations – not just survive. There is no magic bullet. No quick pill or oil. Getting rid of or managing your stress takes a little bit of work. But it can be fun! It takes a shift in your mindset.

My three favorite ways to destress are

  1. Box Breathing
  2. 3 Minutes of Gratitude
  3. Exercise

Check out this video we put together outlining those three techniques.

Box Breathing is a super useful breathing technique to settle your nerves and help you focus. It is not just useful as a way to destress; I also encourage my patients to practice it before workouts. With this breathing technique, you inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4, exhale for 4 seconds, and pause again for 4 seconds before starting over. Really simple – and highly effective! Check out our demonstration below.

Now, my favorite part of the “3 Minutes of Gratitude” is how it can affect your mindset. This technique was born out of a conversation I had with a clinical psychologist who specializes in mindset. He explained that for gratitude to make an impact on how you feel you must practice it for 3 minutes at a time. So when I do it, I go into my office and spend 3 solid minutes listing everything I am thankful for. And as I do it, I try to focus on the emotion of gratitude as I list them.

Below, we put together a video on how to perform a gratitude routine.

Exercise as a stress management technique is practically cheating. Physical activity is good for just about every system in your body, from your cardiovascular to your nervous system. I don’t care what form of exercise you practice, just do it. A 30-minute leisurely walk counts. Or you could lift heavy weights – it all counts!

I will admit that I’ve used these three techniques to great effect, and I think they can help you too. There are also plenty of other techniques out there, so if stress is one of your demons, explore these tips and try out some others as well. And then let us know what worked for you!

Lastly, there is some data that show chiropractic care can help lower cortisol (your body’s stress hormone). So, if you deal with stress and some aches and pains, we will be more than happy to help! Sometimes, pain can even cause your stress to be worse – so let us take care of both at the same time. Use our online scheduler at the top of the page to schedule a visit with us today!

We hope you found this information useful! Stay healthy and safe – our goal is to help our patients live a pain-free and active lifestyle.