Athletes and workout enthusiasts often turn to chiropractic care for safe, effective, non-invasive treatments that heal sports injuries and strengthen the body. Whether the damage done is making preparation, practice, or event participation challenging, or your event is over and you need help recovering, chiropractic may be all you need to find relief. Athletes put their bodies through a lot, so it’s no surprise that injuries can arise. That said,…
How do we know if you have plantar fasciitis?
Do you have pain along the bottom of your foot? Are you worried it could be plantar fasciitis? An accurate diagnosis is the first step in treating foot pain in our Burlington chiropractic clinic. So let’s take a deep dive into how we evaluate our patients for plantar fasciitis. Plantar Fasciitis: How we diagnose it! Video Key Takeaways: Are you struggling with Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis can sometimes heal on…
Are you struggling with Plantar Fasciitis?
Have you ever woken up in the morning, tried to take your first step out of bed, and feel a sharp pain on the bottom of your foot? If you have, you might be dealing with plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a common, but very painful condition that occurs along the bottom of the foot. Plantar Fasciitis: What is it? Video Key Takeaways: Are you struggling with Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar…
Is my back pain coming from my bad discs or arthritis?
It’s tempting to rush to label back pain – and we love to blame structures like discs or arthritis. Unfortunately, back pain is rarely caused by a structure (like a bad disc or arthritis) and is almost always caused by a reduction of flexibility. Is My Pain Related to a Bad Disc or Arthritis Video Key Takeaways: Were you told your back pain was caused by arthritis? This is pretty…
Can Chiropractic Care End My Sciatica?
The sciatic nerve is the largest in the body, running from the lower back through the hips and down each leg. It plays a significant role in the body’s overall balance and function, helping the muscles in the legs and feet move and allowing you to feel sensation in the legs. It will likely come as no surprise that when this critical nerve is injured, the body can feel a…
How to Prevent Injuries as a Young Athlete
We treat a lot of youth athletes at our Burlington chiropractic clinic. Most of the time, those sports injuries can be prevented. If you, or your child, is an athlete – I want you to think RNS! Recovery. Nutrition. Sleep. Focus on your recovery between training and games, eat well, and get lots of rest! Injury Prevention in Youth Athletes Video Key Takeaways: Are you or your child dealing with…
Do I need Graston Technique or Dry Needling for my shoulder pain?
Graston Technique and Dry Needling are our two favorite treatment options for our shoulder pain patients at our Burlington office. However, how do we decide to use one or the other? Our decision depends on the location and the cause of the pain. Graston Technique vs. Dry Needling for Shoulder Pain Video Key Takeaways: You Don’t Have to Live with Shoulder Pain If you are struggling with shoulder pain –…
What to do when your young athlete has shoulder pain
Shoulder injuries in young athletes are unfortunately common. Even worse, it doesn’t have to be a contact sport. We see baseball players and tennis players each week in our Burlington office with shoulder pain. Luckily, in many cases, chiropractic care can help! Shoulder Injuries in Youth Athletes Video Key Takeaways: Your child doesn’t have to live with shoulder pain after an injury If you, or your child, is struggling with…