Can Chiropractic Care End My Sciatica? 

Can Chiropractic Care End My Sciatica?

The sciatic nerve is the largest in the body, running from the lower back through the hips and down each leg. It plays a significant role in the body’s overall balance and function, helping the muscles in the legs and feet move and allowing you to feel sensation in the legs.  It will likely come as no surprise that when this critical nerve is injured, the body can feel a…

How to Prevent Injuries as a Young Athlete

sports chiropractor in burlington ncwinning a race burlington nc

We treat a lot of youth athletes at our Burlington chiropractic clinic. Most of the time, those sports injuries can be prevented. If you, or your child, is an athlete – I want you to think RNS! Recovery. Nutrition. Sleep. Focus on your recovery between training and games, eat well, and get lots of rest! Injury Prevention in Youth Athletes Video Key Takeaways: The best way to treat a sports…

Do I need Graston Technique or Dry Needling for my shoulder pain?

Graston Technique for shoulder pain

Graston Technique and Dry Needling are our two favorite treatment options for our shoulder pain patients at our Burlington office. However, how do we decide to use one or the other? Our decision depends on the location and the cause of the pain. Graston Technique vs. Dry Needling for Shoulder Pain Video Key Takeaways: Graston Technique and Dry Needling are both very effective at treating shoulder pain Shoulder injuries are…

What to do when your young athlete has shoulder pain

shoulder pain and chiropractic care burlington nc

Shoulder injuries in young athletes are unfortunately common. Even worse, it doesn’t have to be a contact sport. We see baseball players and tennis players each week in our Burlington office with shoulder pain. Luckily, in many cases, chiropractic care can help! Shoulder Injuries in Youth Athletes Video Key Takeaways: Depending on the sport and type of injury, the location of the pain can be different Shoulder pain can come…

Does my child have Osgood Schlatter’s Disease?

knee pain and chiropractic care burlington nc

While Osgood Schlatter’s Disease is not something we see all the time in our Burlington office, it does come up from time to time when we are dealing with our youth athletes. Osgood Schlatter’s Disease is what we can an avulsion fracture, and sometimes chiropractic care can help! Osgood Schlatter’s Disease in Youth Sports Video Key Takeaways: Most commonly seen in youth sports with a lot of overuse of the…

Shin Splints in Youth Athletes: What You Need to Know

running and shin splints

Today we are discussing shin splints in youth athletes. This problem is most common in the sports of Cross-Country, football, soccer, and basketball. Typically any sport which requires a lot of running or just repeated force through the lower leg. Usually, the athletes are in high school, and maybe middle school, but shin splints can hamper any athlete regardless of age. This problem arises during the season, often around the…

The Cardinal Chiropractic Process

exercise with chiropractic care burlington nc

Tired of being treated like “just another patient”? In the modern US health care system, it seems like providers care less and less about the patient and are more interested in getting you in and out as fast as possible. It seems like regardless of your age, your activity level, or what you do for a living – you receive the exact same care as the next person. Care has…

Assess, Treat, Prevent

Assess, Treat, Prevent

Far too often in today’s healthcare system, patients are being let down by their healthcare providers. As the patient, you deserve to be guided back to health appropriately and efficiently. Too many injured and ailing people are not being thoroughly evaluated, therefore not receiving appropriate conservative care, nor are they given a game plan to prevent the pain or injury from returning in the future. There are many types of ailments…