Did you know that a chiropractic adjustment doesn’t just help reduce your pain levels it actually helps you get stronger? It’s true. Researchers measured the electrical activity in the arms and legs before, during and after a chiropractic adjustment. What did they find? An increase in cortical drive post chiropractic adjustment. That’s science-speak for more strength. A combination of strength and flexibility will help keep you active and pain-free. Why it…
Let’s Talk Chiropractic
Chiropractic Brain Octane
Well before buttered coffee and MCT oil became a popular trend, Dr. Roger Sperry (a neurobiologist and Nobel award winner) had a staggering finding regarding human performance. He discovered that, 90% of stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine! Why it matters: Recent research uncovered even more ways that a chiropractic adjustment stimulates your brain function. Researches have measured that our brain increases…
I like to pretend that headaches are just my memories fighting each other
Did you know that one of the side effects of headache medications is….well…headaches! Yes, many prescriptions that are taken for headaches tend to actually contribute to headaches. But, headache sufferers may not need to take these medications to find relief. New research indicates that chiropractic care can significantly decrease the frequency of tension headaches. Why it Matters: Headaches are a pain. Literally and figuratively. Too many people (maybe even you…
Happiness is…not having a headache
Wake up. Go to Work. Suffer with a stiff neck. End the night with a headache. Repeat. Hopefully, this doesn’t sound familiar. But for millions of people this is their daily cycle. The good news? It doesn’t need to be that way. Studies have shown that people who utilize chiropractic care can improve the range of motion in their neck and also decrease the severity of their headaches. Why it…
How to Stay Pregnant Longer (just kidding)
90% of women who have chiropractic care during pregnancy wish they would stay pregnant for another 6 months. Ok, ok, that was a joke. But what is no joke is that research supports chiropractic care as one of the safest and most effective options for assisting with pregnancy related low back pain. Why it Matters: Even with all the changes that occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy, what doesn’t…
What Does Pregnancy and Vegas Have in Common?
Pregnancy can make you more sick than that last “girl’s weekend” in Vegas. But, while what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas; what happens during pregnancy doesn’t stay in pregnancy. Over half of women with back pain during pregnancy will continue to have back pain after pregnancy. Oi vey. Why it Matters: Chiropractic care has been shown to be one of the safest and most effective ways to help relieve…
Create an All-Star Prenatal Team
Midwives, doulas, and OB-GYN’s can all be important during pregnancy. Each has a special role to play. Whether its support, education, or even delivery; your prenatal team is there to make sure you have a safe and memorable birth experience. But, when it comes to relieving pregnancy related back pain there is no better choice than a chiropractor. Why it Matters: Chiropractors around the world work hand in hand with…
Time to get rid of your headaches!
Headaches are a topic I personally love. They tend to be a lot more complex than most people realize. There are actually several different kinds: classic migraines, non-classical migraines, tension headaches, cluster, cervico-genic (resulting from pain in the neck), and a few more! Each type has its own set of symptoms that set them apart from another and it’s important to know those differences. A lot of my new patients…