How Personal Trainers Can Change Your Life

Walking into a gym for the first time (or the first time in a while) can be scary. The machines can be daunting, the people cliquey, and of course….the music typically annoying. It can take weeks or months to build up enough motivation and determination to go to the gym, and there is nothing more detrimental to your health goals than the addition of more fears and intimidation. This is why I love personal trainers.

Personal trainers are teachers, coaches, inspirational speakers, and cheerleaders all rolled into one. When I work out, I typically do group training with a coach right there – telling me what to do every step of the way. The last time I went into a big gym to do my own workout, I spent half the time trying to figure out what I should do next. I couldn’t even tell you how to use half the equipment. Trainers know how to use and teach on every piece of machinery and equipment in the place. They have forgotten more uses for a dumbbell than I can count.

A good trainer is heavily invested in you – their client. They want to know your struggles and weaknesses. That way they can create a program in which you are most likely to succeed. Sometimes, what you need most is just that person next to you telling you, “you can do it!”.

Ramon Vega is one of my coaches over at CrossFit584 in Burlington, NC. He doubles as a CrossFit coach and a Personal Trainer (two distinct certifications). If it wasn’t for him and the gym owner Scott Barbee, I would have quit a long time ago. I love him so much I had to interview him for you all! Take the next few minutes and watch the interview, and I know you’ll be impressed as me.

When you get the time, check out and These are GOOD people and we’ve formed a great bond. I’ve been lucky enough to help many of their clients with sports recovery.

Sometimes, pain prevents us from getting in shape. It’s a cycle of pain leading to lack of exercise, leading to more pain, leading to…you get the idea. I’ve been able to help a lot of individuals break that cycle. Remember, my purpose is to get you back to living in passion – not in pain.

Dr. Andy, your Burlington NC chiropractor, specializes in providing evidence-based, conservative care for our Alamance County desk workers, teachers, and Crossfit athletes. Schedule an appointment with him today via our website or call us at 336-270-3050.