Are you an Athlete with Shoulder Pain?

Have you ever gone to the gym and realized that you are experiencing some shoulder discomfort during bench press, pull ups, etc? If this is you, and you are experiencing any discomfort – you may have Sick Scapula and Shoulder Pain. There are a few common signs and symptoms you may notice: Pain/tenderness located around the scapula (the shoulder blade) when using any overhead arm movement or carrying heavy objects with your arm located at the side.

There could be some popping and snapping during shoulder movement, tipping or winging of the scapula, and a few others. Watch this video below, so that you can be educated on SICK Scapula and Shoulder Pain and not end up with what is a called a “dead arm” or “slap tear”, which can be disastrous if you like to lift weights and play sports.

After watching the above video and you feel like you are experiencing some of the symptoms of Sick Scapula, you can do this next stretch called the “sleepers stretch.” This stretch is fantastic for rotation of the shoulders and to relieve some tension in your shoulder blades. Watch this thorough video below to get some pain relief. 

Feeling some relief now? How many of us that go to the gym have an 8am-5pm desk job? If you do, I have one other exercise for you to try at home, it’s called the Blackburn Exercise – a series of 6 positions that you hold for about 30 seconds each. Try these 6 exercises in the video below to help reduce shoulder pain the next time you are in the gym. 

If you find yourself with consistent shoulder pain contact Dr. Andy’s office today to schedule an appointment. He will have you feeling great, and the gym won’t be your obstacle anymore. Our purpose is to help athletes like yourself feel better, move better, and have more energy in the gym and at the office.