Elbow Pain in Athletes

Often, athletes hear the terms “tennis elbow” or “golfer’s elbow”; however, these terms don’t necessarily mean that you must play those sports. This can happen for desk workers, heavy lifting competitors, and laborers. It’s much easier to distinguish the difference when you give them those nicknames. This video below will help educate you on the anatomy in your forearm and elbow. 

The term “tennis elbow” comes from repeated wrist extension during the tennis backhand. If you suffer from tennis elbow, the pain is located on the outside of the elbow. Dr. Andy has specifically placed tape on the affected areas, pay attention to where the pain is coming from, so that you can figure out what stretch to do for your elbow. Our video demonstrates what tennis elbow is, why we get pain, and a fantastic stretch you can do that will help you feel better. 

The other term “golfer’s elbow” is elbow pain that comes from repetitive wrist flexion during a golf swing and can be fixed with a simple stretch. We had a lot of fun using tape to help you visualize where the pain would be along the muscle bellies and tendons. With golfer’s elbow, the pain is on the inside of the elbow. Watch the video below.

This may be a game changer. Tennis players can ace their way through a match, and golfer’s will see more hole-in-one’s.

If you are struggling with lateral or medial elbow pain, and you’ve done everything you can at home to fix it, it may be time to seek help from a licensed provider. Elbow pain can be quickly fixed with some in-office stretches and manual therapy – as well as chiropractic adjustments.

Don’t miss any more matches or tee times because your elbow needs more rest. The personal goal for all our patients is for you to live with your passions – not your pains. Call today to book an appointment!