Chiropractor-Approved Tips to Help with Back Pain Now 

When we’re in pain, it can cause a lot of problems in every aspect of life. Back pain is one of the most common reasons to call out of work, discontinue workouts, and miss social engagements. Getting pain-free quickly is a top priority for those who endure back discomfort. 

This article provides four chiropractor-approved tips to help end your back pain safely and quickly. 

Tip 1: Movement through exercise and stretch

Movement is key to your health, especially when you’re sore or experiencing back pain. Even when injured, gentle, low-impact exercising and stretching can be of benefit. Movement promotes the circulation of healing oxygen to sore muscles and other soft tissues while impacted, tight, or otherwise imbalanced tissues are loosened up. 

Exercising daily will help prevent back pain, strengthen the body, and release endorphins that help decrease pain and stress and offer feelings of overall well-being. 

Examples of exercises and stretches to help reduce back discomfort include:

  • Yoga
  • Swimming
  • Standing as you touch your toes
  • Cat-cow
  • Child’s pose
  • Walking
  • Core strengthening exercises

Tip 2: Correct your posture

Posture is vital to how your body functions and moves. When pressure is consistently put upon specific muscle groups, those areas are vulnerable to injury, and unhealthy patterns can become bad habits. 

Whether you sit at a desk for work, stand on your feet all day, or spend your time streaming shows, you should pay attention to your posture. 

Adhering to these passive postural benefits will help keep your spine healthy. 

Posture while sitting and working:

  • Sit up straight without slumping to one side or curling the shoulders forward
  • Your knees should be at 90 degrees
  • Your forearms should be parallel to the floor
  • Your feet should touch the floor
  • Elbows should be at your sides
  • Look forward to prevent neck strain

Pro tips: The top of your monitor should be at eye level, use an ergonomic chair, and take 1-2 minute standing and stretching breaks every 30 minutes.

Posture while standing for long periods:

  • Stand with your feet hips’ width apart 
  • Distribute your weight evenly on each foot
  • Avoid putting your weight on the heels
  • Stand upright with your shoulders back 
  • Keep your abdominals engaged 
  • Align your head with your spine (don’t let it thrust forward) by slightly tucking your chin down

Pro tips: Ensure you wear supportive, protective, and quality footwear, and get off your feet for a rest periodically.

Tip 3: Reduce stress intake

This is recommended whether you have back pain or not; however, most of us carry a lot of mental stress in the neck and back, which can be incredibly painful. While it’s often difficult to avoid stressful situations altogether, learning how to manage stress is essential and can help reduce physical discomfort.

Ways to avoid or reduce stress include:

  • Walk away, walk it out, leave the situation, take a breather
  • Breathe: 4 seconds in, hold for 7 seconds, release for 8 seconds
  • Exercise regularly 
  • Get regular quality sleep, rest, and downtime (or you-time)
  • Meditate
  • Eat healthy foods
  • Laugh often 

Tip 4: Apply heat and ice

Heat and ice can help keep your back pain under control by reducing inflammation and providing soothing comfort. Consider applying ice to the area for about 20 minutes, then taking a hot bath or shower or using a heating pad on the sore area for 20 minutes. You can do this a few times per day.

Visit Our Burlington Chiropractic Clinic for Back Pain Treatment

While these tips can help reduce your back pain, they may not give you the long-lasting results you need. If you’ve been involved in an accident, have chronic back pain, or are suffering from back discomfort of any kind, our chiropractor in Burlington is prepared to provide a full assessment to determine the cause of your symptoms. 

We’ll implement an effective and efficient wellness strategy, incorporating numerous chiropractic treatments and lifestyle and exercise guidance, so you can maintain the good results generated in our clinic. 

Common treatments for back pain include:

Let’s get your back pain under control so you can get back to living to the fullest. Book with our caring team today.